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The Unforgiven WoW Horde PvE based guild, The Unforgiven!

2 posters

    Holy paladin PvE

    Completly Harmless

    Posts : 61
    Join date : 2012-02-05
    Age : 27
    Location : Bulgaria

    Holy paladin PvE Empty Holy paladin PvE

    Post  Stoneblood Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:11 pm

    Holy PvE talents:

    Ok. This is how I do it. As a paladin your main stat is Intellect so I am stacking it as much as possible (If you wonder why , well it gives you Mana , Spell Power and Critical Strike Rating) My personal opinion , and i guess everybody's , is that paladin is not a mana regen class so even in PvP the main stat im looking for is Intellect . Ussually the next stat you are looking for in pve is Haste ( why ? because as a paladin you don't have any AoE spells so you need to cast as fast as you can ) everything over is 500 is great . Ok and now my favorite stat , Critical Strike Rating . Usually i roll with 48% crit chance sellf buffed , combined with the shamans 5% buff and the focus magic and intellect from a mage you can get really high.

    Using Divine Plea : Never keep your divine plea for when you are low on mana . You always need to use it . You should use it when ur around 80-85% mana , or when ever you feel its the right time. Yes I know it has the reduced 50% healing efect but you can compensate with the Avenging Wrath a.k.a Wings for the 20% increased healing.

    Divine Illumination: This is another talent that you shouldn't keep until you are low on mana . Always use it .

    Arcane Torrent: I always use this talent on cooldown , if I under 95% mana I always use it .

    Mana Potions : Ussually i keep them for when I'm low on mana , witch happens rarely. But you can save them , they don't grow in trees hehe.

    Mana regen trinkets : Like the one from Lord Marrowgar Icc10 goes the same like with Divine Plea . Don't be afraid to use them.
    Completly Harmless

    Posts : 109
    Join date : 2011-09-12
    Age : 33
    Location : Sofia, Bulgaria.

    Holy paladin PvE Empty Re: Holy paladin PvE

    Post  Kryptonite Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:30 pm

    Really good job Smile You may say something for the rotation too.

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