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The Unforgiven WoW Horde PvE based guild, The Unforgiven!

2 posters

    Rogue How to Improve Team Damage


    Posts : 163
    Join date : 2011-09-26

    Rogue How to Improve Team Damage  Empty Rogue How to Improve Team Damage

    Post  Failc Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:01 am

    well i had idea and i wanted to test somthing and my idea worked my idea is to have 2 rogue Example Failc(me) and Boops
    Im gonna use ToT(Tricks of the Trade) on Him and His gonna use on me but now your gonna say whats gonna happend with agroo i have fixed that problem 2 with a macro that cancel ToT efect On You that transfer agroo But with 2/5 santi and Glyph of ToT we can Increase our damage Easy

    what and how much This Improves Damage? you gonna ask well ToT without a macro For 6seconds Increase Damage of you Friendly Targer by 15%! and Cooldown on ToT is 30 sec. But With Macro it last bonus damage for 10 sec and after that bonus is Gone you can use this again After 20 sec and 1 more bonus i wanna add is That with 2/5 Santi you get Set Bonus when ever you use ToT you get Reduce cost of ToT to 0 and plus when you use it you gain 15 Energy and ToT dont activate Global CD

    i think we can improve our damage with this who Agree's Post On this Post Agree and i will talk to them about this for more Info

    ofc i will show you all and i will give you Glyph and Macro's

    Posts : 83
    Join date : 2011-11-08
    Age : 27
    Location : Valjevo, Serbia

    Rogue How to Improve Team Damage  Empty Re: Rogue How to Improve Team Damage

    Post  parceleba Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:54 pm

    Samo jos engleski i sve je tackama....

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