The Unforgiven

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The Unforgiven

Login or Register, we dont want guest's browsing our forum. If you are not a member than please leave this site, or be doomed and not forgiven!

The Unforgiven

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The Unforgiven WoW Horde PvE based guild, The Unforgiven!



    Posts : 171
    Join date : 2011-08-12
    Age : 36
    Location : Sarajevo, BiH


    Post  Xeviar Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:42 am

    Follow these simple rules to stay apart of our guild, or else be punished.

    1) No fighting in guild chat, forums, TS, ANY WHERE! If u have a problem with someone, let an officer know via whisper.

    2) No heavy selling in guild, our community helps one another out.. a little freebie or a nice discount goes a far way.

    3) Dont back talk to someone of higher rank and/or a raid leader. If u cant follow simple orders, we dont want you.

    4) English only! Any public talk within The Unforgiven (server, forums, vent, irc, etc.), must be said in English. If u wish to talk to a friend in another language, please whisper.

    5) Be respectful, within guild and to others. Treat your guild as a family,because in sense, they are. Also treat others with respect, which means don't spam in global or consecutively use caps. If you act like a dumb ass, u make the guild look like a dumb ass.

    6) Guild bank. DO NOT ABUSE IT. Only take out items u truely need.

    9) NO MULTY GUILDING! This means on your horde chars! If we catch any of your alts in another guild, your gone.

    10) Alts can get guild invite on level 70.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:04 am