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The Unforgiven

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The Unforgiven

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The Unforgiven WoW Horde PvE based guild, The Unforgiven!

3 posters

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-03-30

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning Empty Sindragosa 25 Positioning

    Post  Onegirlarmy Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:08 pm

    I thought it would be helpful to show u guys a good way to position for Sindragosa 25 Man. I've tryed this before and it worked very good.

    So in the first phase this is what we could do:

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning J5z4sl

    First phase is easy , just spank the boss and run from blistering cold. Also you need to be careful not to get frost breath and tail smash.
    Casters if you get Unchained magic careful do not get to many stacks. The same is with the Chilled to the bone for melees.

    In the air phase this is what we should do:

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning 650txh

    All the guys go back and wait for the boss to mark the players that will get tombs. After the players are marked they run to the spots I showed in the picture. This part is very important. If two players get tombed to close to oneanother , they will die. So thats why it's good to spread a bit in the back , so the players who get marked won't be to close to oneanother. Also the players should spread around the tombs to dps them slowly till around 20%. After Sindragosa lands you can kill the tombs and resume the dpsing part.

    On the second phase it would be good to do this :

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning 211uz2h

    The casters and dps'ers should stay in the place I marked so , when someone get's the mark from sindragosa can easily choose one of the spots to put the tomb. Players should go hide after the tombs after they reach 7-8 stacks. The melee players should mostly dps these tombs while the casters focus on the boss.

    We could try this when we do ICC25. I think it will work out good.

    Last edited by Onegirlarmy on Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Completly Harmless

    Posts : 61
    Join date : 2012-02-05
    Age : 27
    Location : Bulgaria

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning Empty Re: Sindragosa 25 Positioning

    Post  Stoneblood Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:23 am

    Nice TOPIC

    Posts : 83
    Join date : 2011-11-08
    Age : 27
    Location : Valjevo, Serbia

    Sindragosa 25 Positioning Empty Re: Sindragosa 25 Positioning

    Post  parceleba Sun May 27, 2012 2:59 pm

    Here is better tactic for this boss :

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